Sunday, March 1, 2015

CP Awareness Questionare

Since March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month I want to do some posts on the blog related to CP awareness throughout the month. First I'll start off with some of the questions I've gotten over the years about my own condition. Some people don't think hemiparesis is a form of CP and some do so I'm not quite sure who to believe but anyway here we go.

Q: What does it feel like to have hemiparesis?

A: It actually doesn't feel like anything really. My left side feels just like my right side even though it doesn't work as well. Some people I've talked to say that hemiplegia (the more severe form of hemiparesis) feels like the affected side is "asleep" but my left side doesn't feel like that so it must depend.

Q: Why do you walk on your tip toes on your left side?

A: This is an interesting question that I believe medically boils down to the fact that my left heel cord is not as long as my right which is common in hemiparetic/hemiplegic people. Some kids have a surgery that can lengthen the heel cord so they can walk better, but my go to instant cure is wedges. When I wear wedges it's not that noticeable.

Q: Can you open your left hand?

A: Of course! As a little kid it took me time and therapy to learn how to do this, but now it's open about 96% of the time. Some kids affected by CP can't open their hands, but in mild cases most kids will be able to do it with training.

Q: Have you ever had surgery related to your hemiparesis?

A: Fortunately, no I have not. Back when I was younger, doctors had thrown around the idea of heel cord surgery but my parents thought it wasn't for me. I have, however, had eye muscle surgery twice once in 1997 and once last July.

Q: How long did you do therapy for?

A: I did occupational therapy until I was nine and on and off physical therapy until I was around twelve. I wore hand splints and AFO'S (foot braces) during this time as well.

Q: What caused your hemiparesis?

A: A stroke in utero around May 1995 I think (I was born in July).

Q: Did you have any trouble in school in the academic sense (i.e. any learning disabilities)?

A: No. I do struggle with math but maybe because that's because my brain is more orientated towards English and history. I can spit out almost any date you give me.

Q: What about socially? Did you have a hard time making friends?

A; No I did not and thankfully I was never really teased in school.

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