Friday, February 27, 2015

What Would My College Life Be Without Medical Dramas?

Everyone knows that a big part of college is binge watching great shows on Netflix whether you're avoiding your responsibilities or having a night in with friends. This past year I have torn through two great shows on the lovely creation that is Netflix: Grey's Anatomy and House. I finished ten seasons of Grey's in under a month and I am tearing through House as I write because of all the free time I have had in the past two weeks because of snow.

When I was a sophomore and junior in high school I took a class in healthcare science because I thought I wanted to be in the medical field (I later discovered I wouldn't last a day in med school so that ship sailed long ago) and also it sounded awesome and it was! I met one of my good friends Erica there and I was introduced to House. We watched the series out of order because my teacher only had certain seasons so I had seen some of the episodes before but to see them come together now in one story is amazing.

So if you watch Grey's you know why it's awesome. We've got great character development in it and the surgeries they do on the show are interesting so you learn things while watching which I love. I've always been a medical junkie while at the same time being on the fence about my own personal feelings about the practice of medicine since I grew up in a world of doctor's appointments as a young child if that makes sense. Anyways, Grey's has Patrick Dempsey and Eric Dane who are very fun to look at in my opinion.

House, though, is awesome in a totally different way. House is more focused on the medical aspect as it's kind of like a Sherlock Holmes type show with medical mysteries. House has character development too, but it's more of a backdrop to the mystery. Plus, Hugh Laurie playing the sassy and brilliant character of House is kind of amazing as is his American accent when he's actually British. Another great aspect of the show is his friendship with Wilson, played by Robert Sean Leonard (who I absolutely fell in love with) because hopefully we all have our own friend like Wilson is to House so that makes it so relatable.

So they're both awesome!


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