Thursday, February 12, 2015

Knowing What I Want To Do So Young?

Some people get married young, some enter the workforce young, some people know what they want to do with the rest of their lives young. All three of these are somehow looked down upon by society in a way. Why would such a young person know they've found the One? Why would someone not go to college and get a job out of high school? What do eighteen/nineteen year olds know about themselves, right?

I fall into the third category. Since my junior year I knew I wanted to preserve the history of the Holocaust and teach it to others. I'm not a schoolteacher-type person but that doesn't mean I can't teach others if I'm not in a teacher's position. I do not want to be a teacher, but I know I have a passion and sense of importance surrounding what I do.

This March I'm having an article on the Holocaust education resources we have in Georgia published by an Atlanta bimonthly paper called the Jewish Georgian. I am so lucky for this opportunity to assert myself in this field while I'm still young. Some people might think that I'm just experimenting with different career options at my age but somehow I know I'm on the right path with my life. I might end up doing something else as a main career, but I'm certain the underlying reason why I make a career choice in the future will be because I have an opportunity to continue educating.

So I guess in a way I'm kind of lucky to know what I want. I'm the type of person who knows her own mind and I really like that.

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