Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Dream Three Years in the Making

Guys, in two weeks one of my long term dreams is going to come true.

I am finally going to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum after three years of wishing I could go! My mom and I are going to go over my spring break and I'm super excited. I've been preparing for this for three years and trips to other Holocaust museums, but this is the big one. This is the biggest Holocaust memorial in the country.

We are going to go on what's called the Highlight Tour. It's for low-vision visitors like me and they have things enlarged to see better and the tour also has aspects that aim to focus on other senses since some blind people take this option of a tour. For low vision people they use flashlights and give you magnifying glasses to help you out.

I chose to do this option because with the low vision tour the crowds most likely will be more manageable. I think if I wanted I could do the normal tour just fine but I want to make sure I have enough room to actually walk around and see things. This tour option, I think, will give me the best experience possible.

We are also going to celebrate my mom's birthday while we're in DC so that should be fun too. It's been ten years since we've been and I am super excited to spend a fun two days with my momma. I love taking trips where it's just me and my mom, they're so much fun!

Here are some pictures from my previous visits to other museums!

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