Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Holocaust Museum Houston, Getting Ready For DC, And Kind Words

As I continue preparing the logistics for my trip to DC I'm also mentally preparing. I've heard wonderful things about the museum in DC as well as how moving it is. Coming from a city with a small museum like the Breman I had never really thought about the bigger museums.

That is, until Houston.

HMH (Holocaust Museum Houston) is the fourth largest Holocaust museum in the nation. I went last summer with my aunt and uncle when I visited them. HMH had so many things I had never seen before: a large memorial at the entrance with the names and locations of entire villages wiped out by the Nazis all across Europe, a garden to remember the children, a ship used to carry Danish Jews to safety the of Sweden, a hall of remembrance, the cattle car that deported Jews to Auschwitz that you can stand in.

A cattle car.

I wish I could describe the feeling of standing in that car and the thoughts your mind races through but no words can. An overflow of all sorts of emotions hit you and it isn't until you step out of the cattle car and leave the museum that they really hit you and they come in tsunami waves. I don't remember the ride home from the museum but I do remember getting home and going to the room where I was staying in my aunt's house, shutting the door, and sobbing for two hours. Yes, two whole hours of my day I spent crying.

I'm glad I saw HMH though, because it is helping me prepare mentally for USHMM. I have no doubt going to the USHMM will change me and if I said I was ready I'd be lying. Even I can't be fully prepared for it and I accept it.

Yesterday I received a text from my long time friend Alex. She and I have known each other since we were probably three and four years old. It was totally unexpected and super thoughtful. She said, "Hey Helon, hope you've been doing well. I'm reading your blog and I love it! You are such a talented writer and I see you going so far in life spreading awareness of the Holocaust through your writing. I wish I had something I was that passionate about already." Even though we are in two different states at different schools this message meant the world to me. It's things like this that let me know I am on the right path. Thank you, Alex! I love you!

Below is a link to a video put out by the USHMM called "What You Do Matters". I think everyone should watch it in light of the rising prejudices against many groups worldwide. We need to stand against this.


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