Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Letter To My Future (If We Ever Meet) Boyfriend

Hey you awesome dude whoever you are,

Hi, it's your future girlfriend here just wanting to tell you some things in this sassy letter. Why? Because A) I'm Queen of All Sass (have you figured that out yet??) and B) You need to know these things. Ready? Come on this journey with me...

Know that I will challenge you. At first it might seem like I'm not interested in you, but I promise I am. I just will not fawn over you like some girls will. When I finally get comfortable around you I will really start to challenge you mentally so be prepared for lots of questions on details of your daily life, world views, etc. And have solid, thought out answers to those questions instead of short ones. I actually enjoy holding a conversation.

Know that you are not the center of my life. Sorry, that's just how it is. You're a wonderful part of my life but not even close to all of it. As a Western woman in 2015 I am entitled to have a life outside of you; in fact I'm kind of obliged to. Just because I'm a woman that doesn't mean I will stand aside for you and back down from my ambitions. I have the natural right to the pursuit of happiness thanks to the country we live in and I have the right to define my own happiness.

Know that if you make me choose between you and my ambition the choice will not end well for you. So just don't do it. Be aware of what decade it is, dude.

Know that you'll learn from me and I hope I'll learn from you. My lexicon of interests and knowledge is vast and I tend to learn all I can about something that interests me. Come prepared to learn and grow with me and I'll do the same.

Know that even if I write cute fan fiction/stories I am in no way 100% reliant on you to do everything for me, so don't ever attempt it. I hate asking for help, but at the same time offer it if I do ask

One last thing:

If we end up never crossing paths know I'll be okay. Like I said before, I'm perfectly capable of sustaining myself and creating happiness. If we never meet I wish you all the happiness life can bring, kind sir. But if we meet one day that'd be awesome too.

See you one day, maybe?

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