Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Views On Religion

Okay guys, so I've been reading a lot of articles on Thought Catalog or wherever about people's views on religion/whether God exists or not etc and I want to share mine. But before I do, let me just say I am absolutely not trying to discourage your own religious views. I have mine, and you have yours and most likely they differ greatly but that's cool. Isn't that what the world is built on, diversity?

I have friends with all kinds of religious views or none at all but that doesn't make me love them more or less. They're my friends so I love them unconditionally for them and enjoy swapping views on religion with them if the topic comes up. Same with my family: we're a mix of all kinds of Christianity and that's pretty cool.

I'm a scholar: I love learning about things including religion. I've recently gotten into Jewish history and culture and have enjoyed embracing that journey. I guess everyone has their own sort of spiritual journey and that must be part of mine. Going along with being a scholar, my thought processes are based on logic and reasoning rather than faith so that's the opposite side to that coin. I do not believe that faith alone will get you anywhere: you've got to work to get there and have faith in whatever it is (yourself, God, etc) along the way.

I was raised by parents who are Presbyterians and that works for them which is great. They baptized us which made sense at the time since we couldn't think for ourselves as infants. When you get to eighth grade in their church you go through Confirmation which is like a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Judaism (but far less studying or fun) because you become responsible for your own religious actions from then on by expressing that your faith is yours and not your parents' faith on your behalf.

So I went through that, yes. But at thirteen I knew so much less of the world and couldn't think for myself as critically as I am able to now. Looking back, I wish I would have questioned more and figured out what I know now a little earlier.

I became agnostic probably my sophomore year of high school.

I am agnostic because I believe that I cannot know if God as a higher power exists. That question is too much for humans to comprehend in my opinion but yet I don't believe that God doesn't exist. How can people not look around you and be amazed at what you see? I'm pretty sure only some form of a higher power plus a little evolution could create such a beautiful world.

To my understanding, Christianity is based on the idea that everybody has a personal relationship with God. But God is also overseeing the universe right? Then if that's the case, he obviously doesn't have time or energy to care about what a college kid like me is doing while the country of Syria is tearing itself apart with civil war and innocent people are being killed. If I could talk to God I'd ask him to please focus on the latter rather than me. I'll focus on me, you focus on issues over my head and that sounds like a deal.

And I'm cool with that. you do you God if you're out there. I'll do me.

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