Saturday, April 25, 2015

My Views On Medicine As A Practice

If you guys read this blog regularly, you know I like sharing my thoughts with others. Last post I covered my views on religion and this post I'm covering my views on the medical community just because I think I should share them. Medicine to me is basically the profession I love to love yet also love to despise entirely. Go ahead, tell me I'm being hypocritical: I know.

I also tend to think, in my nineteen year old mind, that I'm one of the smartest people on this Earth even though deep down I know that's a lie. Everybody lies.

So that brings me to living my whole life believing I was scared of/smarter than pretty much every medical professional I have encountered in nineteen years full of therapies, MRIs, CT scans, and two surgeries once I understood the medicine behind what was being done to me. I grew up hating every single appointment more than any other kid I know of, spitting on doctors and nurses because I was a little sass queen, etc and it stayed that way until I was probably a sophomore in high school when I took my Intro to Healthcare Science class.

Then I started to get interested in medicine and I haven't looked back.

In the two years I took my Healthcare class I learned how to think critically when in a medical situation. I learned to question medical opinions if needed and to read up on any information I was given. I learned to only put my trust in people who knew what they were doing. These lessons were cleverly woven in through learning how to administer injections (to oranges- a great stress relieving technique), learning to make hospital corners on beds, medical term videos that have taught me a great deal of the medical jargon I know, and watching House (my one true love in a TV show format).

I blogged a while ago about my last surgery experience in July, but a thing I did not really focus on in that post was my thoughts throughout the experience. I actually have a very clear memory of asking one of my anesthesia team that day about anesthesia awareness/how they planned to prevent such an occurrence and I recall whoever it was that I ask being vaguely impressed.

Since then I have gotten into any medical show I can find especially House and Grey's Anatomy. Probably by now most people know that McDreamy got killed off last week and I watched the episode and I could point out the errors the medical team (that was not from the hospital where Grey's is usually set) was making and I was screaming at my computer screen things like "HE NEEDS A HEAD CT SCAN OMG HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS?!"

Like I said, I could never actually do any of that, but I love being informed.

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